Thanks for visiting. You have taken the first step towards bettering yourself and your organization.
I offer a holistic systems approach to helping leaders gain deeper awareness about their ways of working and thinking, specifically focusing on how their actions impact their effectiveness in achieving desired business results. I am here to listen and help customize a solution to your professional and organizational needs.
I have worked with diverse US and international companies. Supporting one, as a staff member, from a startup of 200 employees through 2 acquisitions, to become part of a $7B corporation with 30,000 employees.
I am passionate about
Leadership Development
My approach to Development is not only seeking to improve performance in a role but to bring about personal and professional growth that increases the potential of an employee and equips them to be better individuals.
... My hope is that maybe someday, I will be someone else's Tess.
Participant, Leadership Development Program
Executive Coaching
I work one on one with my clients to create a personalized developmental experience for leaders who have taken on a new role, who must broaden their scope of responsibility, who need to increase their leadership capability or expand their leadership presence.
Tess...helped me to define my professional identity more clearly than I had ever been able to articulate to myself or others.
Coaching client, The University of Vermont
Organization Development
I partner with organizations and offer customized solutions that shift behavior and align cultural beliefs, enabling teams to effectively assess and solve complex business challenges and execute on business strategies that achieve top and bottom line results.